Results of Annual General Meeting SolGold confirms that all resolutions put to shareholders at the Annual General Meeting held on 05 December 2024 in Brisbane, Australia were passed via a poll, where the proxy votes received ahead of the meeting were combined with votes cast at the meeting. A breakdown of the poll result for each resolution put to the Meeting is set out below: Resolutions Votes for % Votes against % Withheld Ordinary Resolutions 1. STATEMENTS & REPORTS 1,402,313,953 99.13 12,342,915 0.87 1,369,162 2. DIRECTORS' REMUNERATION 1,338,115,081 94.63 75,971,678 5.37 1,933,271 3. DIRECTORS' REMUNERATION POLICY 1,383,186,465 97.81 30,924,125 2.19 1,915,440 4. RE-ELECT MR. N MATHER 1,030,421,057 72.79 385,231,997 27.21 372,976 5. RE-ELECT MS. M A A RICAURTE 1,396,613,317 98.82 16,69...