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Osisko Mourns Loss of Board Member Marcel Cote

26.05.2014  |  Marketwire
MONTREAL, May 26, 2014 - Osisko Mining Corp. (TSX:OSK) (FRANKFURT:EWX) is very saddened to learn of the loss of Marcel Côté, who died suddenly yesterday. Marcel Côté was vice-chair of the Osisko board of directors, and had been a board member since 2010.

"The contribution made by Marcel Côté to our work was unique and invaluable," said Victor Bradley, chairman of the board of Osisko. "We all benefited from his rich and varied experience acquired in private industry and the public service, which he applied with all the energy and enthusiasm of a young recruit."

"Marcel brought much more to Osisko than you would normally expect of a good director," said president and CEO Sean Roosen. "He was curious and interested in all aspects of Osisko's development and operations. With his origins in Malartic, in the Abitibi region, Marcel was always highly sensitive as well to the social and economic issues in Osisko's and our industry's host communities. In a personal as well as a professional sense, we will miss him enormously."

Osisko wishes to express its deepest sympathy to Marcel's wife Louise, and to all his family members and loved ones.


John Burzynski, Vice-President Corporate Development
(416) 363-8653

Sylvie Prud'homme, Director of Investor Relations
(514) 735-7131
Toll Free: 1-888-674-7563

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Osisko Mining Corp.
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