Coventry Resources Limited: Application to Cease to be a Reporting Issuer
If the requested order is made by the OSC, the Company will cease being a reporting issuer in any jurisdiction in Canada.
Notwithstanding a decision that the Company is not a reporting issuer in Canada, the Company will continue to file all financial statements and other continuous disclosure materials required to be filed by it in accordance with the applicable securities laws of Australia and the rules of the Australian Securities Exchange ("ASX"). All such continuous disclosure documents of the Company are publicly available to all Company securityholders on the Company's website at and the Company's securityholders resident in Canada will continue to receive copies of the continuous disclosure documents that are required to be delivered to securityholders in Australia, in the same manner and at the same time as is required under the applicable securities laws of Australia and the rules of the ASX.
Coventry Resources Limited
Ian Cunningham, Company Secretary
+61 8 9226 1356