Mithril Resources Limited: Drilling underway at the Mexi Nickel Prospect
- RC drill program to test for nickel sulphides beneath a broad zone of anomalous nickel - copper - PGE's within weathered ultramafic rocks
- Presence of elevated copper and PGE's along with nickel potentially indicative of nickel sulphide mineralisation at depth within fresh rock
- Mexi lies within same structural corridor as high-grade Silver Swan Nickel Deposit 9 kilometres to the south
- Results expected by early June
Reverse Circulation drill holes are targeted both down dip of and along strike from a broad zone of nickel - copper - platinum + palladium (PGE's) anomalism previously intersected by Mithril aircore drilling within weathered ultramafic rocks.
The new drilling, comprising two, 200-250 metre holes will test for nickel sulphides and provide a platform for future downhole EM geophysical surveying.
Mexi lies within a broader structural corridor which is interpreted from aeromagnetic and gravity data to extend from known high-grade nickel sulphide mineralisation at the Silver Swan nickel deposit located 9km to the south.
The presence of elevated copper and PGE's along with nickel at Mexi is highly significant as they are potentially indicative of nickel sulphide mineralisation at depth.
Results are expected by early June.
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About Mithril Resources Limited:
Mithril Resources Ltd. (ASX:MTH) is an Australian resources company whose objective is the creation of shareholder wealth through the discovery and development of mineral deposits.
The Company is actively exploring throughout two highly prospective areas of the Western Australian Goldfields, namely the Kalgoorlie District for gold and nickel deposits and the Meekatharra District for copper-nickel deposits.
The Company is also exploring South Australia’s far western Coompana Province for magmatic nickel – copper deposits with OZ Minerals Ltd..
David Hutton, Managing Director
T: (61 8) 8132 8800
F: (61 8) 8132 8899