Ivanhoe to Host an Investor Day on December 3, 2020, to Discuss New Feasibility Study and Phased-Development Plan for the World-Scale Platreef Project
The Investor Day will include a virtual site tour of the Platreef Project, as well as remarks from Ivanhoe's Co-Chairs Robert Friedland and Yufeng "Miles" Sun; the company's President and CFO, Marna Cloete; and members of the company's corporate development and technical teams. It also will feature a question and answer (Q&A) session.
Details of the Investor Day and the registration link are:
DATE: December 3, 2020
TIME: 10am Eastern / 7am Pacific / 3pm London / 11pm Beijing
REGISTRATION LINK: https://bit.ly/3pVhper
To submit a pre-event question, please email it to info@ivanhoemines.com for Q&A review.
About Ivanhoe Mines
Ivanhoe Mines is a Canadian mining company focused on advancing its three principal joint-venture projects in Southern Africa: the development of major new, mechanized, underground mines at the Kamoa-Kakula copper discoveries in the DRC and at the Platreef palladium-platinum- rhodium-nickel-copper-gold discovery in South Africa; and the extensive redevelopment and upgrading of the historic Kipushi zinc-copper-germanium-silver mine, also in the DRC. Kamoa-Kakula is expected to begin producing copper in July 2021 and, through phased expansions, is positioned to become one of the world's largest copper producers. Kamoa-Kakula and Kipushi will be powered by clean, renewable hydroelectricity and will be among the world's lowest greenhouse gas emitters per unit of metal produced. Ivanhoe also is exploring for new copper discoveries on its wholly-owned Western Foreland exploration licences in the DRC, near the Kamoa-Kakula Project.
Information contacts
Investors: Bill Trenaman +1.604.331.9834 / Media: Matthew Keevil +1.604.558.1034