Nomad Royalty Company Joins UN Global Compact
As a participant, Nomad has committed to voluntarily aligning its operations and strategy with the ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Nomad's short-term focus will be on four Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs"): Quality Education; Gender Equality; Clean Water and Sanitation; and Climate Action.
"Nomad is building the UN Global Compact principles into the foundation of our business systems. As a UN Global Compact member, we will continually seek opportunities to work with our partners towards long term environmental protection and social benefits in the communities where they operate" said Vincent Metcalfe, Chief Executive Officer of Nomad.
By signing the UN Global Compact, Nomad is committing to annual reporting on our SDGs. Ongoing work with our partners, shareholders and other stakeholders will continue to inform our approach.
Nomad Royalty Company Ltd. is a gold & silver royalty company that purchases rights to a percentage of the gold or silver produced from a mine, for the life of the mine. Nomad owns a portfolio of 13 royalty, stream, and gold loan assets, of which 6 are on currently producing mines. Nomad plans to grow and diversify its low-cost production profile through the acquisition of additional producing and near-term producing gold & silver streams and royalties. For more information please visit:
Nomad Royalty Company Ltd.
500-1275 ave. des Canadiens-de-Montréal
Montréal (Québec) H3B 0G4
SOURCE Nomad Royalty Company Ltd.
For more information about Nomad Royalty Company, please visit our website at or email us: Vincent Metcalfe, CEO Joseph de la Plante, CIO,,