Deep Yellow Limited: Named in 2021 OTCQX Best 50 Rankings
The premium QTCQX Market is operated by OTC Markets Group. Companies listed on the QTCQX are required to meet stringent financial standards and adhere to regulatory and compliance laws. Currently, there are 462 companies from 25 countries listed on the QTCQX, with a combined market capitalisation of $1.6 Trillion.
Deep Yellow joined the OCTQB market in June 2018 and was elevated to the OTCQX platform in October 2018, both US based market platforms.
The OTCQX Best 50 is an annual ranking of the top 50 US and international companies that trade on the OTCQX market. The ranking is calculated based on an equal weighting of one-year total return and average daily dollar volume growth in the previous calendar year. Companies in the 2021 OTCQX Best 50 were ranked based on their performance in 2020.
Commenting on the ranking, Deep Yellow Managing Director and CEO John Borshoff said, "We are delighted to be included in the 2021 QTCQX Best 50.
"The QTCQX marketplace includes a high number of distinguished companies across different sizes, industries and geographic regions. To be recognised for our performance in 2020 is a testament to the entire Deep Yellow team both in Namibia and Australia, as we continue to work towards becoming a tier-one uranium producer."
About Deep Yellow Limited:
Deep Yellow Ltd. (ASX:DYL) (OTCMKTS:DYLLF) (Namibian Stock Exchange:DYL) is a specialist differentiated uranium company implementing a new contrarian strategy to grow shareholder wealth. This strategy is founded upon growing the existing uranium resources across the Company's uranium projects in Namibia and the pursuit of accretive, counter-cyclical acquisitions to build a global, geographically diverse asset portfolio. The Company's cornerstone suite of projects in Namibia is situated within a top-ranked African mining destination in a jurisdiction that has a long, well regarded history of safely and effectively developing and regulating its considerable uranium mining industry.
Deep Yellow Ltd.
John Borshoff Managing Director/CEO T: +61-8-9286-6999 Email: