Wiluna Mining Corporation Ltd: Suspends Concentrate Shipments to Russia
During this period, Wiluna has arrangements in place to sell and ship all its concentrate to alternative destinations. We will continue to monitor the situation in Ukraine and any sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation before making further decisions on the destination of its product.
About Wiluna Mining Corporation Ltd:
Wiluna Mining Corp. (ASX:WMC) (OTCMKTS:WMXCF) is a Perth based, ASX listed gold mining company that controls over 1,600 square kilometres of the Yilgarn Craton in the Northern Goldfields of WA. The Yilgarn Craton has a historic and current gold endowment of over 380 million ounces, making it one of most prolific gold regions in the world. The Company owns 100% of the Wiluna Gold Operation which has a defined resource of 8.04M oz at 1.67 g/t au. In May 2019, a new highly skilled management team took control of the Company with a clear plan to leverage the Wiluna Gold Operation's multi-million-ounce potential.
Wiluna Mining Corp. Ltd
Milan Jerkovic Executive Chair +61 8 9322 6418 Jim Malone General Manager Investor Relations +61 419 537 714 Dannika Warburton Media & Communications +61 401 094 261