Notice of Yara International ASA Annual General Meeting on Thursday 7 May
The Board proposes that a dividend of NOK 6.50 per share is paid for the financial year 2018, and that the existing share buy-back program is replaced by a new program, renewing the Board's authorization to acquire up to 5% of Yara's shares before the next Annual General Meeting.
Vice chair of the Board Maria Moræus Hanssen has communicated that due to a change of position she will make her seat at the Board available as of the annual general meeting on 7 May 2019. In addition and as mentioned in item 9 above, the Nomination Committee proposes that the number of shareholder-elected members of the Board of Directors is increased by two.
To fill these three board positions, the Nomination Committee proposes the election for a period of two years of Kimberly Lein-Mathisen, Adele Bugge Norman Pran and Håkon Reistad Fure as new Board members. The Nomination Committee recommends that the Board elects Trond Berger as the new vice chair of the Yara Board of Directors.
The complete notice of the Annual General Meeting will be distributed to Yara's registered shareholders and is also available on Yara's website:
Thor Giæver, Investor Relations
Cellular: (+47) 48 07 53 56
About Yara
Yara grows knowledge to responsibly feed the world and protect the planet, to fulfill our vision of a collaborative society, a world without hunger and a planet respected. To meet these commitments, we have taken the lead in developing digital farming tools for precision farming and work closely with partners throughout the whole food value chain to develop more climate-friendly crop nutrition solutions. In addition, we are committed to working towards sustainable mineral fertilizer production. We foster an open culture of diversity and inclusion that promotes the safety and integrity of our employees, contractors, business partners, and society at large. Founded in 1905 to solve the emerging famine in Europe, Yara has a worldwide presence with about 17,000 employees and operations in over 60 countries. In 2018, Yara reported revenues of USD 12.9 billion.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Yara International ASA via Globenewswire